

国際基督教大学(ICU)教養学部 アーツ・サイエンス学科 Spring 2021、Fall 2020

政策研究大学院大学(GRIPS) Fall 2018

東京国際大学 Fall 2018 – 2021

Teaching Materials (password required)

This course helps students to understand applied econometric methods and to foster the skills needed to plan and execute their own empirical projects in economics. We study many empirical examples and do a fair amount of number crunching ourselves. Topics include randomized controlled trials, regression and matching, differecne-in-differences method, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity designs, and quantile treatment effects.

You will finish the course equipped with a workman’s familiarity with the tools of statistics, facility with data handling through computer programming, and hopefully a good understanding of the models and methods of applied econometrics.


  1. Identification and potential outcome framework
  2. Review of statistics
  3. R programming
  4. R markdown
  5. Analysis and interpretation of randomized trials
  6. Regression basics – conditional expectation function
  7. Regression basics – casual reg vs causal reg
  8. Regression basics – identification
  9. Regression basics – estimation
  10. Using multivariate regression – omitted variable bias
  11. Using multivariate regression – selection on observables
  12. Heteroskedasticity and clustered standard errors
  13. Directed acyclic graphs (DAG)
  14. Matchmaker
  15. Inverse probability weighting 
  16. Doubly-robust estimator
  17. Instrumental variables – selection on unobservables
  18. Instrumental variables – heterogeneous effects
  19. Instrumental variables – local average treatment effect
  20. Panel data model – fixed effects and time effects
  21. Panel data model – interactive effects
  22. Difference-in-differences methodDID with multiple time periods
  23. Synthetic control method
  24. Regression discontinuity design – Sharp RD 
  25. Regression discontinuity design – Fuzzy RD
  26. Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO)
  27. Mostly dangerous big data – Double selection method
  28. Quantile regression
  29. Distributional policy analysis and quantile treatment effects
  30. Final exam


【An interactive companion】Introduction to Econometrics (Stock & Watson) with R, powered by University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. (data files)


Review of Statistics: Quantitative Social Science – An Introduction ( This is tidyverse R code to supplement the book, Quantitative Social Science: An Introduction, by Kosuke Imai. )

■ R Code for Mastering ‘Metrics

■ Python – for Mastering ‘Metrics



